The vision of The Educators’ Roundtable, LLC is to create a space where educators can meet and discuss student retention, educator efficacy, and build effective bridge programs to prepare first generation and first year college students of African-American descent for post-secondary success.
The mission of The Educators’ Roundtable, LLC is to cultivate a space where educators meet to discuss student retention strategies through signature programs to ensure that First Generation and First Year College students of African American descent are successful during their post-secondary journey. The Educators’ Roundtable also examines educator efficacy and the role that teachers in K-12 play in preparing students for post-secondary success.
Finally, our goal is to bridge the gap between secondary & postsecondary experiences for African American students through our signature bridge program that assists K-12 educators in ensuring that students are prepared for college upon freshmen entry and aids higher education faculty and staff as they support students through a successful matriculation. Once students and educators experience our signature programs, they become a part of what we call, The Educated Tenth; educators and students who are charged with motivating others to attend and successfully graduate college.