The Link
In their first year in postsecondary education, a higher percentage of first-generation than continuing-generation students used financial aid services, but lower percentages used health, academic advising, and academic support services (RTI International, 2019). The Link provides a call to action for colleges and universities to intentionally develop bridge program initiatives and ally with K-12 partners to prepare first year and first generation students for success.
After attending The Link workshop, faculty and staff will leave with:
Research-based strategies to support first generation and first year college students with the skills needed to successfully transition from the secondary to the P20 experience.
A greater understanding of the value of partnerships with P20 schools and local RESAs (Regional Educational Service Agency) in improving student preparation, success, and retention in higher education
The framework for initial plans that create bridge programs for first year and first generation students regardless of their academic ability
RTI International. (2019)Use of Student Services among Freshman First-generation College Students. Washington, DC: NASPA. Retrieved from